International collaborative 5BL Testimonial Archive
Here you can find a growing collection of testimonials based on the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine, provided by 5BL practitioners from all around the world. The aim is to provide an english translation for every testimonial in native language.
You can find the contact information of most of the practitioner in the therapists list. My own reports, which were listed on a separate page until June 2021, are now also integrated into the archive.
Please contact me if you want to join and help providing more successful stories or help with the english translation of reports in other languages. Translations into any other languages are also very welcome!
As is it an international collaboration project, the archive can be included in any other 5BL site, too. The USA began this international collaboration by including it on the Germanic Healing Knowledge Global (GHK Global) website, followed by Israel. Other countries and pages are currently checking the technical possibilities.
The reports reflect what has been experienced on the basis of the level of experience and knowledge of the respective author at the time the report was created and, of course, do not guarantee completeness and freedom from errors. So far the following practitioners have participated:
Author | Title and Overview | Keywords | ||||
2025/01/30 Kundin kam mit der Diagnose einer chronischen unheilbaren Colitis ulcerosa mit der Empfehlung den Dünndarm entfernen zu lassen. Nach drei Monaten unserer intensiven Zusammenarbeit hatte sie keinerlei Beschwerden und alle Medikation langsam abgesetzt. Sie erklärte sich selbst als geheilt. | Colitis Ulcerosa | |||||
2025/01/30 Die Kundin hat nach sich dem Erstgespräch in der Videosprechstunde dafür entschieden, den zugrundeliegenden Konflikt aufzulösen. Final ist das durch die intensive Bearbeitung der entsprechenden Glaubenssätze gelungen. | Angst, Macht, Kontrollverlust | |||||
2023/08/01 A woman (30, female hormone, right-handed) had been lactose intolerant for 15 years with symptoms of the small intestine (indigestible annoyance with the aspect of starvation). | allergy |