(English) 5BL report archive

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International collaborative 5BL Testimonial Archive

Here you can find a growing collection of testimonials based on the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine, provided by 5BL practitioners from all around the world. The aim is to provide an english translation for every testimonial in native language.
You can find the contact information of most of the practitioner in the therapists list. My own reports, which were listed on a separate page until June 2021, are now also integrated into the archive.

Please contact me if you want to join and help providing more successful stories or help with the english translation of reports in other languages. Translations into any other languages are also very welcome!
As is it an international collaboration project, the archive can be included in any other 5BL site, too. The USA began this international collaboration by including it on the Germanic Healing Knowledge Global (GHK Global) website, followed by Israel. Other countries and pages are currently checking the technical possibilities.

The reports reflect what has been experienced on the basis of the level of experience and knowledge of the respective author at the time the report was created and, of course, do not guarantee completeness and freedom from errors. So far the following practitioners have participated:

All (248)

Björn Eybl (71)

Ingmar Marquardt (68)

Monika Anzenberger (21)

Axel Dörr-Lintl (10)

Bekannte, Freunde ... (10)

Thomas Mühlberger (7)

Esther S. (6)

Petra Friedrich (5)

Thorsten Rüffer (4)

Nadya Molchanova (4)

Hardy Neumann (4)

Olga Bryukhanova (4)

Magdalena F (4)

Andi Locke Mears (4)

Stephen Coleman (3)

Fabian Günther (3)

Mayk Soike (3)

Jorge Malheiro (2)

Mara F (2)

Melissa Sell, D.C. (2)

Michael J. Schulze (2)

Sybille Koopmann (2)

Benedikt Zeitner (2)

Katrin Neubert (1)

Eva Hettich (1)

Vladislav Nichiporov (1)

Frank Schwerdtfeger (1)

Gabriëlle Rutten (1)

DateAuthorTitle and OverviewKeywords
A young woman reports: At the beginning of the year, I spontaneously flew to Switzerland with my sister-in-law for five nights. We wanted to spend a few days skiing and hiking there, but we only flew with hand luggage, so we had very limited clothing.

Ich habe in unserer Firma den Marketingbereich allein erledigt, was mir Freude machte. Irgendwann bekam ich zum meiner Enttäuschung plötzlich eine "Vor-Gesetzte", halb so alt wie ich, frisch von der Uni ...
My husband and I live separately and my children (20 and 16) live alternately with me and their father. We had agreed on which days they would be with whom during the holidays. Now, like many times before, their father hasn't kept to this
In the summer, our daughter, aged 10, theoretically had to transfer to grammar school after the 4th grade of elementary school. She went to an independent Montessori school and we hoped that there would be a way for her to go to her brother's independent Waldorf school as a sibling ...
A friend moves house at the age of 75. He has to leave his friends, his hobby circle, his familiar stores and streets. It's difficult for him to adjust again. After moving, his heart is still there. But it was necessary financially ...
My daughter, then 8 years old, suddenly had skin rashes on her inner thighs, inner knees and heels.
It was skin cancer on my back, which had started to heal when I recognized the conflict. I went to the doctor for the operation. She said there was nothing left to see.
Sabine called me, she has had a ganglion for 2 weeks, something like a water bladder (see the photo) ...

From time to time I want a kebab. Because I eat it with my hands, some sauce sometimes runs down my face. That's what I thought, because whenever I wanted to wipe it off, there was no sauce to be found.
My client has worked as a volunteer for 27 years, investing a lot of time and energy. In the spring of the year before last, his integrity was called into question because he didn't go with the flow when it came to the C-crisis. In the end, he resigned from his voluntary work ...
My daughter is 19 years old and will be starting university in September. She always wanted to be a doctor from an early age, but confessed to me about 3 weeks ago that she has wanted to be a teacher for a while now ...
A client told me that her granddaughter, then 5 years old, had a middle ear infection. I asked her if she had heard anything nice ...
For weeks, even months, I had been looking forward with mixed feelings to an announced, probably necessary gum graft in the lower jaw (to stabilize a certain implant) ...
About 8 years ago, I received a letter from the IRS/tax office with a 5-figure tax arrears payment, even though my finances are managed by a tax consultant. I didn't have the money at the time and it caught me unawares. However, I was already familiar with the topic of GNM at the time. I had obsessive thoughts: how was I going to cope?
One evening I had a somewhat heated argument with my husband (it was about correcting his behavior in the presence of other people, my identity and self-determination). And lo and behold: the next morning I woke up and felt a sizeable hemorrhoid on my bottom ...
Yesterday a cousin called me and told me about pain in her gall bladder, which had been slightly noticeable for days. Yesterday, on the last day of her vacation, she got severe colic so that she got into the car and just wanted to go home ...
The tax office sent me a notification about a letter delivered to the service portal. On Friday evening, of course. However, the service portal was no longer accessible to me, as I am no longer self-employed. So, I couldn’t access the letter. Over the weekend, I became increasingly anxious and worried...
I got closer to my eldest son again in the C-years, due to our special life circumstances. We were able to put our relationship on a new, adult footing ...
Intellectual self worth-conflict
I was 18 at the time and had just had my first serious relationship. My circle of friends at the time had a hard time with this relationship and didn't recognize my boyfriend. I felt torn: ...
My daughter (7) spent the whole summer running around barefoot in the countryside and at some point stepped on thorns. Four warts formed on her feet, one of which was very large ...
I (right-handed woman, 39) spent a few hours in lively conversation with my brother-in-law during the Corona period. The next day he called me and said that he was sick and had a positive corona test ...
I have been living separately from my ex-husband for 6 years. My children are alternately with him or with me. It happened that my ex-husband called me on his way home from work and said that my daughter had fallen down the stairs at his house. As my daughter had fallen unconscious, his girlfriend, who lives with him, had called an ambulance. She would now take her to hospital ...
Our 10-year-old daughter loves to be gently cuddled/caressed by us when she goes to bed/goes to sleep. At some point in the summer, my wife also gave her a full body massage ...
Daughter 7 years old played with her best friend every day for 3 years, 1.5 months ago he suddenly just started playing with another neighbor child (boy) ...
On October 20, a patient (69 years old, LH) came to see me because she had severe positional vertigo and it was causing her great anxiety and restlessness. She had been to the doctor the days before and had been given morning exercises, which had improved the dizziness somewhat. Now she wanted to look at the issue with me after the 5 BN and together we quickly found the cause: ...
I got a cat on June 9th who was simply left behind by her owner when he moved house. A week ago she had an eye infection on her left side ...
A few months ago, my partner enthusiastically took over the management of a plant that was in a bad way. He eagerly began to motivate the employees again and tried to revitalize the company with new concepts. Then the following incident occurred: ...
In 2017, I was diagnosed with 'prospective cervical cancer' using a pap smear. The feeling that went through me at the time was horrible. Although I thought I was over it, this diagnosis gnawed at me deeply. I began to worry ...
I always had cracked skin between my toes in the summer. For a long time I had no idea what to do and everything I tried didn't help ...
For several months I had been suffering from severe nail fungus on both feet. (Laboratory confirmed) I applied various creams and tinctures to my toes and toenails every day, but it didn't get any better. I pondered back and forth as to what conflict could be present here ...
When the PLANdemie was announced on Swiss television in March 2020, I knew immediately that it was a lie and a scam. My key sentence was: “They want to sell us the vaccine.” That was the start of the agitation and mistrust against me ...
A friend (59) reports that she has been suffering from chronic hoarseness and daily nightly sore throats for several years. Countless visits to ENT doctors have produced absolutely nothing. A gastroscopy for suspected reflux was also unsuccessful ...
A few months ago I got an aphthae under my tongue, a single one, but very large. Aphthae hurt a lot. I looked in Björn's book: “Not being able to say something that was important to me.” ...
In 2020, I had shoulder surgery and was on sick leave from exactly the time when masks became compulsory at our pathology institute. After 7 months of sick leave, I came back to the lab. I went to my workplace without a mask until I was approached by a senior doctor on the second day: “I should please wear a mask here, it's compulsory now.” ...
Wife, 70, about two and a half years ago our daughter broke off contact with her original family for the second time out of the blue: “We'll come back another time.” Radio silence! ...
How good it is to know the New Medicine and to be able to explain processes in the body, albeit with hindsight. My report does indeed sound exaggerated, but that's exactly what happened tonight: After four hours of normal sleep, I woke up at three o'clock with insane pain in my right ankle, outside on ...
Thick blackheads on the outside of both upper arms, which became terribly inflamed, pus-filled spots, hurt and wouldn't heal. Due to severe mold infestation, which spread everywhere in the newly purchased apartment and which she perceived as an attack / defilement.
I shared the office with a colleague, which was actually a converted 2-room apartment. The small company grew and within a short time, 3 new employees were hired ...
I was walking barefoot on the terrace one afternoon on vacation and wanted to look over a wall. I stubbed my toe on a stone ...
Motorized conflict
I had a partner 17 years ago who treated me badly. He belittled me every day and said I couldn't do anything, was stupid etc. and he didn't like to leave me alone, and I was also beaten from time to time ...
Constellation, territory areas, bipolar disorder, manic-depressive
It happened in 2013 in July. I got a severe lumbago while bending forward to cut off withered roses. It was very painful, I lay down for several days to endure the pain, but it didn't go away completely ...
Collapse in self-esteem, lumbago
My boy, about 6 years old at the time, was playing with the neighbor's boy in the garden. I told him I was taking his little brother to the farm (just a meadow away from our house) and asked if he wanted to come with me or stay at home. He said he would stay with the neighbor ...
Separation conflict, school sores
My marriage: characterized by economic dependence, less by love, affection and trust. When conflicts arose, my husband regularly threatened to separate. “You'll see how you manage without me!” For years, his threat: “I'll be gone in fall.” ...
Conflict of loss
I was invited at the weekend. We were sitting in the garden. A friend's cat came running across the meadow. Such a beautiful one with long fur ...
Visual disfigurement conflict
A mother comes for treatment and tells me that she is very worried about her 4-year-old son because he is highly allergic to nuts. He has already had to go into intensive care twice due to shortness of breath or swelling of the airways ...
Some time ago, my boss told me that he had received a complaint about me and that he was forwarding it to me by e-mail so that I could read it ...
Intellectual collapse in self-esteem
A friend and I noticed that her 9-month-old baby, who was still breastfeeding, had a reddish rash in two places: on the top left of her back and on the right side of her bottom …
Separation conflict, skin rash
I always cycle to work in the morning. For years, my left eye has always started to water in the same place for about 10 minutes, then it suddenly stops again ...
Chunk Konflikt
Two weeks ago I met my cousin and she told me that one of her twin sons had been coughing a lot for a few days and was having difficulty breathing. She went to the doctor, who diagnosed the 5-year-old with pneumonia involving the larynx ...
Territorial anxiety conflict
Tenia has been medically diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes. She is also seeing worse and worse and is worried that if it gets worse, she will no longer be able to look after her children, some of whom are still small.
Fear in the neck conflict
The mother comes to my practice with her 11-year-old girl - she seems tearful and exhausted. She tells me that her daughter has never been able to lie, sit or stand still since birth. Since going to school, she has also developed tics: twitching all over her body and various movements that she cannot control ...
Twitching, hyperactivity
For about 15 years I had chronic pain in my lower back with lots of what I call “capital failures”, where I couldn't bend down, couldn't get into the car, needed my husband to get dressed; my spine twisted at the minute, like the “Hunchback of Notredam”.
In the 3rd/4th week of pregnancy, the couple go on vacation to a hotel in Egypt, where the mother experiences two fear-of-death conflicts - and the baby along with her. The baby is to be operated on by two teams of doctors immediately after birth. It may be necessary to remove an entire lung, as one is completely infested with cysts. The parents manage to resolve and reduce the symptoms in good time before the birth.
Fear of death conflict
The mother comes to my practice with Jakob. She tells me that her son can't be alone for a second - he follows her wherever she goes. She can't even leave a room without Jacob jumping up and following her.
Panic, Panik attack
A woman developed a small (1 cm) melanoma where clothing labels were placed and scratched at the back of her neckline. She knew the 5BN and suspected the connection.
Contamination conflict
At the first U-examination, the topic of vaccinations came up and that she didn't want to do this in the first year of life. As the second appointment approached, she was worried with an active scent conflict, whether this stressful topic would come up again.
Scent conflict
I had a girlfriend who broke up with me (I didn't know about Germanic medicine at the time). My hair was thinning on the right side and the back of my head. So a separation conflict with blame that was still active.
Separation conflict, Haarausfall
Reduction of ectodermal skin on the palm of the hand due to unwanted touching/activities with this hand. Resolution of symptoms by stopping the activity.
Separation conflict, ulcers
On the advice of the trainer, the person aggressively grabbed her dog by the neck at the dog school, which shocked her herself and resulted in the conflict content "I wasn't good enough at this point / I did something wrong". A few days later, the conflict-resolved phase began with severe pain in the wrist.
Woman with a generalized loss of self-esteem in relation to the upbringing of her teenage son. With the loving support of a new partner, the SBS is resolved.
Leukemia, collapse in self-esteem
A 50-year-old woman had been suffering from the consequences of Scheuermann's disease since puberty. Moderate curvature of the thoracic spine, hardly any buffering by intervertebral discs in the affected area. Permanent diffuse pain over the years, moderate to severe pain after prolonged light strain or brief periods of heavy strain (lifting, carrying). Activities that put strain on the thoracic spine could only be carried out for a short time with pain. After recognizing the causal situation and resolving it internally, the pain disappeared permanently.
A woman has had an itchy and flaky scalp for over 30 years. After she recognized the cause of the problem, the symptoms disappeared within two days due to awareness.
Separation conflict, scalp
A few months after her husband's funeral, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her right breast and treated with conventional medicine. The affected tissue (without histological findings) must have been the ectodermal milk ducts, i.e. the content of the conflict: “My partner was torn from my breast.”
Torn from chest, milk ducts
At work, the person concerned was confronted out of the blue with an accusation from the team leader that he felt was completely inaccurate. After a week of forced thinking, the conflict was resolved following a clarifying discussion with the head of department.
Scent conflict, stink conflict, cold, flu
The father wants to kick the butt of his son, who is a department manager in his company, for months because he is not performing his duties conscientiously. During this time, the plantar wart forms under the left bunion/toe.
Plantar wart
Visual separation conflict after the death of the beloved family cat, as well as corresponding conjunctivitis after overcoming it with the help of a spiritual conversation partner.
Bilateral conjunctivitis
Harassment and threats by instructors in the People's Army, since then recurrences in various situations.
Cough, dry, chronic
Severe itching between little toes after stepping on a slug.
athlete‘s foot
Development of warts because the boy had to go to a kindergarten even though the parents did not want him to. Conscious conflict resolution and the warts fell off when it was discussed with the child.
A caesarean section birth that is perceived as dramatic, in connection with which the mother has suffered a fright or speechlessness conflict. After resolving this situation, the daughter begins to speak after a few days.

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.