International collaborative 5BL Testimonial Archive
Here you can find a growing collection of testimonials based on the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine, provided by 5BL practitioners from all around the world. The aim is to provide an english translation for every testimonial in native language.
You can find the contact information of most of the practitioner in the therapists list. My own reports, which were listed on a separate page until June 2021, are now also integrated into the archive.
Please contact me if you want to join and help providing more successful stories or help with the english translation of reports in other languages. Translations into any other languages are also very welcome!
As is it an international collaboration project, the archive can be included in any other 5BL site, too. The USA began this international collaboration by including it on the Germanic Healing Knowledge Global (GHK Global) website, followed by Israel. Other countries and pages are currently checking the technical possibilities.
The reports reflect what has been experienced on the basis of the level of experience and knowledge of the respective author at the time the report was created and, of course, do not guarantee completeness and freedom from errors. So far the following practitioners have participated:
Author | Title and Overview | Keywords | ||||
2024/09/14 Mit 14 Jahren habe ich mir mit großer Freude ein Loch ins Ohr stechen lassen und voller Stolz einen Ohrring getragen. Mit Mitte Zwanzig wünschte ich mir ein zweites, ging zum Juwelier und ließ mir eins stechen ... | ||||||
2024/09/11 Frau S beschäftigt sich seit einigen Jahren intensiv mit den 5BN. Anfang des Jahres hatte ihre Schwester ein gesundheitliches Problem. Da Frau S ihrer Schwester helfen wollte und mit den 5BN gute Ansatzpunkte dafür sah, schickte sie ihr entsprechende Informationen und ein Hilfsangebot zum Einstieg über das Handy ... | Attacke-/Besudelungskonflikt | |||||
2024/09/09 This is how I resolved my chronic lower back pain which I had every morning. | ||||||
2024/09/07 Ein dreijähriger Junge fing sehr zum Missfallen seiner Eltern mit dem Nasebohren an. Sämtliche gut gemeinten Ratschläge und Bitten, dies (vor allem in der Öffentlichkeit) zu unterlassen, schlugen fehl ... | Attacke-/Besudelungskonflikt | |||||
2024/08/23 My client has worked as a volunteer for 27 years, investing a lot of time and energy. In the spring of the year before last, his integrity was called into question because he didn't go with the flow when it came to the C-crisis. In the end, he resigned from his voluntary work ... | ||||||
2024/08/21 We were on an excursion at lunchtime when suddenly a jet fighter flew relatively low over us with an enormous noise. Our son got a huge fright and was totally terrified for 20 minutes... | ||||||
2024/08/21 Three occurrences of a plug in the right ear canal due to loud tantrums/screaming of children. | ||||||
2024/08/17 My daughter is 19 years old and will be starting university in September. She always wanted to be a doctor from an early age, but confessed to me about 3 weeks ago that she has wanted to be a teacher for a while now ... | Angina | |||||
2024/08/15 Beginning of a "motor conflict" cycle after watching a video with a person suffering from Tourette's, with strong anxiety, twitching, loss of fine motor skills, etc. - and a deliberate attempt to break out of the vicious cycle. | Tics, Tourette's, multiple sclerosis (MS), dystonia, Parkinson's disease | |||||
2024/08/14 Ein Morgen mit Magenschmerzen der ektodermalen, kleinen Kurvatur des Magens - nur beim liegen auf der rechten Seite, weil jemand anderes über mich in meinem Revier bestimmt hat. | ||||||
2024/08/14 Einmalige Knieschmerzen auf Partnerseite, als ich als erster oben auf dem Berg ankam, nachdem ich zuvor Stundenlang das Gefühl hatte, nicht hinterher zu kommen. | ||||||
2024/08/14 Kurze Phase eingerissener Haut zwischen Zehen nach Besudelungsempfindung von dreckigen Böden. | ||||||
2024/07/21 Ein Ereignis, das mehrere SBS notwendig machte. | kalter Schweiß, Linksherz-Myokardinfarkt, Brechdurchfall, Schüttelfrost, Nachtschweiß | |||||
2024/07/13 A client told me that her granddaughter, then 5 years old, had a middle ear infection. I asked her if she had heard anything nice ... | ||||||
2024/07/06 For weeks, even months, I had been looking forward with mixed feelings to an announced, probably necessary gum graft in the lower jaw (to stabilize a certain implant) ... | ||||||
2024/06/27 About 8 years ago, I received a letter from the IRS/tax office with a 5-figure tax arrears payment, even though my finances are managed by a tax consultant. I didn't have the money at the time and it caught me unawares. However, I was already familiar with the topic of GNM at the time. I had obsessive thoughts: how was I going to cope? | ||||||
2024/05/28 When dyeing her hair, the color was mixed up and some of the hair was accidentally dyed red, which was a visual shock for her. She suffered from the appearance for weeks until she found a solution - the next morning the styes appeared in the conflict-resolved phase. But the solution was not stable, so a new relapse occurred... | ||||||
2024/05/28 On Saturday I was chopping firewood with my husband. I was only wearing very light fabric sneakers. Suddenly he threw a big chunk of wood right in front of my foot and I was really scared at that moment because I was really worried about my toes... | ||||||
2024/05/19 After two years abroad, the young woman returned to Germany, which was very difficult for her, as she felt absolutely powerless to return to Germany: arguments with her parents, no apartment, no partner, no job - this situation represented a conflict of powerlessness for her... | Thyroid excretory ducts, gill arch ducts | |||||
2024/05/19 Frau Frau S hat 9 Monate unbeabsichtigt eine Führungsposition übernehmen müssen, obwohl sie dies ganz und gar nicht wollte. In dieser Zeit hat sie mit Nackenschmerzen rezidiviert und war sich bewusst, dass sie für viele Monate stark konfliktaktiv war - sodass sie mit großer Sorge auf die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen nach zukünftiger Konfliktlösung geschaut hat, die dann natürlich auch kamen. | Kleine Kurvatur des Magens, Revierärger-Konflikt | |||||
2024/05/15 In this testimonial video, Tanja talks about her successful resolution of hay fever / allergic rhinitis based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. This has existed for three years since 2019 and has now been absent for the last two years. Congratulations and a thousand thanks for sharing this valuable experience (in german, but you can activate english subtitles)! | Allergy, hayfever | |||||
2024/05/08 One evening I had a somewhat heated argument with my husband (it was about correcting his behavior in the presence of other people, my identity and self-determination). And lo and behold: the next morning I woke up and felt a sizeable hemorrhoid on my bottom ... | ||||||
2024/05/07 Every year, as soon as I observed the leaves falling from the trees, I would get rough and dry skin on the exterior surface of my hands for months and could not sleep well in my bedroom (only in the living room). | Allergy, dry hands, sleep problems | |||||
2024/04/24 Tonsillitis/angina bilateral information-chunk conflict with syndrome | ||||||
2024/04/20 Yesterday a cousin called me and told me about pain in her gall bladder, which had been slightly noticeable for days. Yesterday, on the last day of her vacation, she got severe colic so that she got into the car and just wanted to go home ... | ||||||
2024/04/08 Every evening I fell into bed exhausted and couldn't sleep. My tingling legs didn't leave me alone. Going to the cinema was also unbearable because I had to sit still. | Partially resolved motor conflict, renal collecting duct syndrome | |||||
2024/04/05 This report is about the importance of letting yourself know that the situation that led to the symptoms will not happen again. I told myself directly: it will not happen again, because the people who were involved will no longer be around me. | ||||||
2024/03/31 Das Finanzamt hat mir eine Mitteilung über einen zugestellten Brief im Serviceportal gesendet. Natürlich am Freitagabend. Das Serviceportal steht mir aber nicht mehr zur Verfügung, da ich nicht mehr selbstständig bin. Also kein Rankommen an den Brief. Am Wochenende haben sich immer mehr Unruhe und Sorgen breit gemacht ... | ||||||
2024/03/31 Meinem ältesten Sohn bin ich in den C-Jahren, bedingt durch unsere besonderen Lebensumstände, wieder näher gekommen. Wir konnten unsere Beziehung auf neue, erwachsene Beine stellen ... | Intellektueller SWE | |||||
2024/03/28 Ich war damals 18 und hatte gerade meine erste, ernste Partnerschaft. Mein damaliger Freundeskreis tat sich mit dieser Beziehung schwer und erkannte meinen Freund nicht an. Ich fühlte mich hin und her gerissen: ... | ||||||
2024/03/26 Formation of small brown spots on the breast due to a mother's rough, painful breastfeeding experiences. And disappearance of these due to later, more pleasant experiences. | ||||||
2024/03/22 I suspected a strange car in our parking lot. As I drove closer, I saw that my parking space was free and I could park without worrying. Based on my perception, I came upon an old association with physical symptoms for a few days. The morning after, a sore throat started for 2 days. On the 2nd day there was a watery nose on the left. On the 3rd day the discharge became purulent, only on the left. Now it is the 6th day and the nose is still purulent. | Weather, perception, territorial fear | |||||
2024/03/21 Meine Tochter (7) ist den ganzen Sommer barfuß in der Natur rumgeflitzt und irgendwann in Dornen getreten. An den Füßen haben sich vier Warzen gebildet, eine davon sehr groß ... | ||||||
2024/03/10 Realization of a biological conflict when the national borders were closed during the Corona period. Self-diagnosis through knowledge of the 5BN during the conflict active phase, but the symptom disappeared at some point. Conflict active for many weeks. No memory of the solution. | Periosteal separation brutally unfair | |||||
2024/03/10 Sweaty feet for years without interruption from about 1993 to about 2009 (date of resolution no longer known) I cannot remember the origin, it developed "somehow" in my life (perhaps I wore unsuitable shoes) Daily recurrence and resolution, so to speak Termination of the splint through realization of the biological mechanism. | besmirching dirt feet stink | |||||
2024/03/04 Ich (Rechtshänderin, 39) verbrachte während der Corona-Zeit ein paar Stunden in reger Unterhaltung mit meinem Schwager. Am nächsten Tag rief er mich an und sagte, dass er krank ist und einen positiven Corona-Test hat ... | ||||||
2024/02/08 Once in my life, 20 years ago, I had left-sided epididymitis. As the report from many years ago somehow got lost, I'm posting it again now. | ||||||
2024/01/24 Ich lebe seit 6 Jahren getrennt von meinem Ex-Mann. Meine Kinder sind abwechselnd bei ihm oder bei mir. Es trug sich zu, dass mein Ex-Mann mich auf seinem Nachhauseweg von der Arbeit anrief und sagte, dass meine Tochter bei ihm zu Hause die Treppe hinuntergefallen sei. Da meine Tochter bewusstlos geworden wäre, hätte seine bei ihm lebende Freundin den Notarzt gerufen. Sie würde jetzt mit ihr ins Krankenhaus fahren ... | ||||||
2024/01/08 Another apparent injury that, without knowledge of the 5BN, would be misinterpreted as pure overload (and therefore often misinterpreted by athletes as "I'm getting old" / "I'm rusting"). | ||||||
2024/01/07 Unsere 10jährige Tochter liebt es beim ins Bett gehen/einschlafen von uns sanft gekrabbelt/gestreichelt zu werden. Irgendwann im Sommer ist sie von meiner Frau auch mal mit einer Ganzkörpermassage verwöhnt worden ... | ||||||
2023/12/26 My back pain began one weekend afternoon on a beautiful spring day, a short time after I finished changing the car tires. | back pain | |||||
2023/11/30 Tochter 7 Jahre spielte 3 Jahre lang jeden Tag mit ihrem besten Freund, vor 1.5 Monaten spielte dieser plötzlich einfach mit einem anderem Nachbarskind(-junge) ... | ||||||
2023/11/28 The initial situation was a small accident with injuries to the front of the body, which subsequently resulted in back pain and tension. | ||||||
2023/11/23 The first stroke occurred in July '17. From the knowledge of the 5 biological laws of nature, we can deduce that there must have been some relief from a particular problem beforehand. The stroke occurs in the healing crisis of a conflict-resolved phase, the so-called healing crisis. What happened? | ||||||
2023/11/23 Das Symptom begann im Kindesalter am rechten Arm mit einem kleinen Fleck und weitete sich über Jahre aus. Heute bestehen die Flecken an der Innenseite der Arme und von der Achsel seitig runter zur Brust. | ||||||
2023/11/23 Vorgeschichte: Die 66 j. Frau wurde von ihrem Mann verlassen und hatte 2 Kinder. Alleinerziehend wolle sie ab 2005/06 den Lebensstandard für die Kinder aufrecht erhalten und nahm einen Kredit auf. Die Rate Betrug 300 € monatlich. Im laufe der Jahre wurde die Rate höher und sie nahm zwischenzeitlich noch mehr Kredit auf. Sie wusste, dass das alles zu viel für sie war, aber hat das immer verdrängt. ... | ||||||
2023/11/23 This video is about the causal event that led to "hay fever" and the various food allergies that gradually built on this. And, of course, the resolution by recognizing the causal connections! Congratulations on the successful resolution and many thanks for sharing this wonderfully instructive experience report (in german, but you can activate english subtitles)! | ||||||
2023/11/19 Am 20.Oktober war eine Patientin (69 Jahre, LH) bei mir, weil sie starken Lagerungsschwindel hatte und ihr das große Angst und Unruhe machte. Die Tage vorher war sie beim Arzt und hat morgendliche Übungen bekommen, die den Schwindel etwas gebessert hatten. Jetzt wollte sie das Thema mit mir nach den 5 BN anschauen und gemeinsam haben wir schnell die Ursache gefunden: ... | ||||||
2023/10/12 Ich habe am 9. Juni eine Katze bekommen, die von ihrem Besitzer beim Umzug einfach zurück gelassen wurde. Vor einer Woche hatte sie eine Augenentzündung auf der linken Seite ... | Visueller Trennungskonflikt | |||||
2023/08/27 Mein Partner hat vor einigen Monaten voller Enthusiasmus die Leitung eines Werkes übernommen, um das es schlecht stand. Mit Eifer begann er, die Mitarbeiter wieder zu motivieren und versuchte, das Unternehmen durch neue Konzepte auf Vordermann zu bringen. Dann kam es zu folgendem Vorfall: ... | ||||||
2023/08/26 This case describes the healing of an already advanced thyroid tumor with the conventional medical diagnosis: death.... and the resulting lung cancer. Which we have also got under control. | ||||||
2023/08/20 2017 wurde bei mir mittels PAP-Abstrich die Diagnose „angehender Gebärmutterhalskrebs“ gestellt. Das Gefühl das mich damals durchfuhr war entsetzlich. Obwohl ich glaubte darüber zu stehen, nagte diese Diagnose tief in mir. Ich begann mir Gedanken zu machen ... | ||||||
2023/08/20 This is a case that occurred in a family with three children: 6 years, 4 years and 6 months. The eldest constantly takes the infant in her arms, although the mother does not welcome it. But the six-year-old sister breaks the ban from time to time. | chunk conflict, anger, trouble; territorial threat | |||||
2023/08/13 | ||||||
2023/08/06 This is the case of an acquaintance of mine who was passing through my house. I used to even envy her because her skin was always good. But this time red spots covered her face and neck. She told me that this has been going on for more than six months now. Efforts and use of different remedies have not brought improvement... | Separation conflict | |||||
2023/08/04 A student of my course asked me to help her with her symptoms. The woman thought it was a so-called fungus on her right foot (toes), it had been there for about three or four weeks. She has used the bathroom with other family members, no one has anything like this, her left foot is also fine. So the contagiousness theory has once again been defeated... | Separation conflict, ectoderm | |||||
2023/08/02 Everyone who has a little to do with the 5BN/GNM knows this: You ask the person affected whether a solution / a relief was perceived shortly before the onset of PCLA symptoms and the answer is first: "There was nothing". For this I could make an interesting observation with myself: ... | Intellectual self-devaluation conflict | |||||
2023/08/01 A woman (30, female hormone, right-handed) had been lactose intolerant for 15 years with symptoms of the small intestine (indigestible annoyance with the aspect of starvation). | allergy | |||||
2023/07/29 Could it be that I am premenopausal? | ||||||
2023/07/29 Acid reflux, because something swallowed simply cannot be "accepted" and thus cannot be "digested" in the stomach. | ||||||
2023/07/29 I am called to a cat that has been vomiting its food again and again recently. | ||||||
2023/07/29 About 5 years ago I was at my daughter's school at the sports festival as a helper. I was assigned to a teacher and we both had a ward to supervise. So far, it was all fine and gave me pleasure, until I had to notice that the teacher was taking advantage of certain students - the boys. I was quite annoyed by it, but swallowed it and was glad when the whole thing was over. | ||||||
2023/07/29 When my daughter was in elementary school, about 2nd grade, I was away from home for a week and received the text message from my husband that she was very bad, 40 fevers, massive headaches. He felt reminded of his meningitis and said, maybe she had something like that now?? I was shocked and immediately demanded to talk to her and him on the phone. | ||||||
2023/07/16 Ich hatte immer wieder im Sommer aufgesprungene Haut zwischen den Zehen. Lange Zeit hatte ich keine Zuordnungsidee und alles, was ich versucht habe, hat nicht geholfen ... | ||||||
2023/06/24 Seit einigen Monaten quälte ich mich mit starkem Nagelpilz an beiden Füßen. (Laborbestätigt) Mit verschiedenen Cremes und Tinkturen bestrich ich täglich die Zehe und Fußnägel, es wurde nicht besser. Ich überlegte hin und her, welcher Konflikt hier vorliegen könnte ... | ||||||
2023/06/07 Breaking off contact with an important person for 7 months. Then successful contact again with subsequent onset of symptoms (small red spots around the chest, abdomen and back). The spots appeared a little later, developed for 3 weeks and then went back again in 2-3 weeks until they disappeared completely. | ||||||
2023/05/27 A client suddenly developed pain in her right foot on a weekday at her workplace. She could hardly perform for a short time. The pain was on occurrence in the area of the structure of the heel bone and the ankle bone joint. The pain was both on stepping the foot and when the foot was flexed while walking. The pain went away in less than an hour. | heel bone hock joint | |||||
2023/05/21 After wearing velvety-soft silk scarves, the client developed reddening of the skin with itching on the neck area, specifically on the back of the neck, not on the front. This skin reaction lasted for a day or two and then disappeared until she wore a silk scarf again. The phenomenon also occurred when she wore a pearl necklace on much rarer occasions. | epidermis | |||||
2023/05/19 "In November 2002 I began to have upper abdominal discomfort. It was a pulling, stabbing pain. At first I mistook the pain for an upset stomach and tried to do my work as usual. But within a few days the problems increased..." This report was first published by Johannes F. Mandt on the website of the Kopernikus e.V. association. | ||||||
2023/04/17 A young boy is frustrated because he is not growing taller. His mother, very new to Germanische Heilkunde, has a moment of clarity to help him resolve his conflict. She isn't aware of the SBS; she just uses Germanic New Medicine and her knowledge of his history to help him move on and grow. | 11 year old wasn't growing | |||||
2023/04/15 Gunter speaks in this testimonial video about his successful resolutions of various suture intolerances (gluten, various meats, tomatoes, peanuts, raisins, and more) based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. Congratulations and thank you very much for this wonderful report! | Track, resolving allergies, resolving intolerances | |||||
2023/04/10 Als im März 2020 die PLANdemie im Schweizer Fernsehen verkündet wurde, wusste ich sofort, dass es sich um Lug und Betrug handelt. Mein Kernsatz war: „Die wollen uns die Impfung verkaufen.“ Damit fing Hetze und Misstrauen gegen mich an ... | ||||||
2023/04/03 Both our lives (me and mom) were marked by constant friction and conflict. Until we finally spoke out. And then I resolved a conflict that I didn't even know I had! | Foot, Self-devaluation conflict | |||||
2023/03/31 Eine Freundin (59) berichtet, sie leide seit einigen Jahren an chronischer Heiserkeit und täglichen nächtlichen Halsschmerzen. Unzählige Besuche bei HNO-Ärzten ergaben rein gar nichts. Eine Magenspiegelung wegen Verdacht auf Reflux blieb auch ohne Befund ... | Wechseljahre | |||||
2023/03/18 Vor einigen Monaten bekam ich eine Aphte unter der Zunge, eine einzige, aber dafür sehr groß. Aphten schmerzen sehr. Ich sah in Björns Buch nach: „Etwas nicht sagen können, was mir wichtig war.“ ... | ||||||
2023/03/07 A sore throat sets in just a few minutes after a soothing conversation, followed by hoarseness and coughing within the next few days. | ||||||
2023/03/06 This is an 8 year old right handed girl. She was born with clubfeet. Her foster mother is my friend. The daughter always complained about pain in her feet, which had been present since infancy... | ||||||
2023/03/06 The symptoms did not appear immediately after the hamster's death, but when the boy and his mother walked past the hamster's grave site weeks after the death. He stopped there, started crying terribly and said he missed him so much... | ||||||
2023/03/06 25-year vicious cycle of pain that was treated with increasingly powerful painkillers but was considered incurable by conventional medicine. Simply by identifying the causal situation and sharing/discussing these experiences, the cycle could be broken and complete healing achieved. | ||||||
2023/03/06 Increasing reddening of the skin and scaling on the forearm after my budgie bit me there by surprise. Resolution by recognizing the causal connection. | ||||||
2023/03/05 Three years ago, the mother washed cloth diapers full of pee again and again and was disgusted by the touch on the one hand, on the other hand she did not want this situation with the children. It developed extremely dry, cracked and painful skin on the outside of the hands. Recently, there was a similar situation again, according to which the symptom reappeared within hours and was therefore very well verified. | ||||||
2023/02/21 My best friend's wife has been diagnosed with cervical cancer and peritoneal cancer and has been treated by conventional medicine. After I wanted to help and pointed out the 5BN to him, he only looked at it for a few minutes, but spent many hours searching Google for hate articles on the subject and gave me a correspondingly dramatic feedback on this alleged "death cult". For me, this feedback was the Biological Conflict ("intellectual self devaluation conflict", I thought I had found a solution/help but couldn't help, felt I was treated unfairly), as this was my first attempt to interest someone in this topic - and I absolutely did not expect such a reaction ... | ||||||
2023/02/19 After buying new shoes from a certain brand, a burning sensation was felt on the soles of both feet shortly after putting them on. The burning sensation passed, but warts appeared on the balls of the feet on both soles of the feet in the following days. | ||||||
2023/02/04 The client had already had one of the canines in a repeated repair process for a few days. When she woke up one morning, she discovered an extra swelling on this side of her face in the cheek and upper jaw area. In the mouth area, she felt a thicker, more swollen strand above the affected tooth. | ||||||
2023/01/21 Im Jahr 2020 hatte ich eine Schulter OP und war genau ab der Zeit krank geschrieben, als bei uns im pathologischen Institut die Maskenpflicht kam. Nach 7 Monaten Krankenstand kam ich wieder zurück ins Labor. Ohne Maske bin ich auf meinen Arbeitsplatz gegangen, bis ich am 2. Tag von einem Oberarzt angesprochen wurde: „Ich solle bitte eine Maske hier tragen, das wäre jetzt Pflicht.“ ... | ||||||
2023/01/06 Frau, 70, vor ca. zweieinhalb Jahren brach unsere Tochter zum 2. Mal aus völlig heiterem Himmel den Kontakt zu ihrer Ursprungsfamilie ab: "Wir kommen ein anderes Mal." Funkstille! ... | ||||||
2022/12/29 Wie gut, wenn man die Neue Medizin kennt und Vorgänge im Körper erklären kann, wenn auch im Nachhinein. Mein Bericht klingt in der Tat übertrieben, doch genauso lief es heute Nacht ab: Nach vier Stunden normalem Schlaf wachte ich um drei Uhr auf mit irrsinnigen Schmerzen am rechten Sprunggelenk, außen auf ... | Epi-Krise | |||||
2022/12/23 Dicke schwarze Mitesser auf den Außenseiten beider Oberarme, die zu furchtbar entzündeten, eitrigen Pickeln wurden, wehtaten und nicht mehr abheilen wollten. Aufgrund von starkem Schimmelbefall, der sich in der neu gekauften Wohnung überall ausbreitete und den sie als Attacke/Besudelung empfand. | Besudelungs-Konflikt | |||||
2022/12/04 Ich teilte mir mit einer Kollegin das Büro, welches eigentlich eine umfunktionierte 2-Zimmer-Wohnung war. Die kleine Firma wurde grösser und innerhalb kurzer Zeit wurden 3 neue Mitarbeiter eingestellt ... | Trennungskonflikt | |||||
2022/11/29 Nach meinem Umzug vom 5. Stock in eine Kellerwohnung mit angrenzendem kleinen Garten bekam mein Kater Beschwerden im Rachenbereich. | Katze, Brockenkonflikt, Freigang | |||||
2022/11/20 Ich bin an einem Nachmittag im Urlaub barfuß auf der Terrasse herumgelaufen und wollte über eine Mauer schauen. Dabei bin ich mit dem Zeh an einen Stein gestoßen ... | Motorischer Konflikt | |||||
2022/11/13 Ich hatte vor 17 Jahren einen Partner, welcher mich schlecht behandelte. Er hat mich täglich klein gemacht und gesagt ich kann nichts, bin dumm etc. und er hat mich nicht gern allein fortgelassen, auch wurde ich ab und zu geschlagen ... | Konstellation, Revierbereiche | |||||
2022/10/08 A good friend and I had opinions and positions during the Corona period that could not have been more different. However, since we had not seen each other for more than a year during that time, we arranged to meet a few months later (winter 2021). At that time, his wife was pregnant. ... | "Indigestable anger" conflict, ileum, lower small intestine | |||||
2022/10/06 Just before our vacation trip this year, we found two half-dead garden sleeper babies on our doorstep (see photos). We took them in and cared for them. Our son experienced two self-esteem collapses when one animal died unexpectedly in his left hand during a car ride - and additionally when the second animal later jumped and escaped from the same hand. | ||||||
2022/10/06 This was the most intense and obvious conflict activity that we could observe in our son so far on the basis of the compulsive thinking. We were glad to be able to proceed in such a targeted way to lead the SBS so quickly - and therefore so unproblematically - through the conflict-resolved phase. | Dermatitis, skin rash | |||||
2022/09/28 „Oh Schreck“, unsere Luna lag kürzlich gelähmt auf dem Flurboden. Mein erster Gedanke: „Schlaganfall“. Ich war total besorgt und anfangs zu keinem wirklich vernünftigen Gedanken fähig. Was tun? | Lähmung, motorischer Konflikt | |||||
2022/09/23 Es geschah 2013 im Juli. Ich bekam einen starken Hexenschuss beim Vorwärtsbeugen, um verblühte Rosen abzuschneiden. Es war sehr schmerzhaft, ich lag mehrere Tage darnieder, um den Schmerz aushalten zu können, ganz verging er nicht ... | ||||||
2022/09/15 A woman with a breast cancer in the left breast | Breast Cancer | |||||
2022/08/20 Mein Junge, damals ca. 6 Jahre alt spielte mit dem Nachbarsbuben im Garten. Ich habe ihm gesagt, ich gehe mit dem kleinen Bruder zum Bauernhof (nur eine Wiese von unserem Haus entfernt) und fragte, ob er mit will oder zuhause bleiben will. Er sagte er bleibt beim Nachbarn ... | ||||||
2022/08/12 Meine Ehe: geprägt von wirtschaftlicher Abhängigkeit, weniger von Liebe, Zuneigung und Vertrauen. Bei Konflikten drohte mein Mann regelmäßig mit Trennung. „Du wirst schon sehen, wie du ohne mich zurechtkommen wirst!“ Dazu seit Jahren seine Drohung: „im Herbst bin ich weg.“ ... | ||||||
2022/08/04 The present case - documented with video excerpts - is about a 7-year-old boy with two phases of different tics or twitching. At the age of 5, he had a tic for about a month, during which he would always bend his knees a bit and tighten his arms. At 7, he had another tic for two months where he always extended both arms at the same time. | Tics, twitching, motor constellation | |||||
2022/07/31 Sima talks about her successful resolutions of her birch pollen and cat hair allergies based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature in this testimonial video. Congratulations and thank you very much for this nice report! | Track, resolving allergies | |||||
2022/07/25 One day, blood and a thin, light-yellowish-beige secretion came out of a client's ear. The blood had a certain smell (and the cause was therefore already identifiable!). There was no pain. | "attack against the ear" conflict | |||||
2022/07/21 In this testimonial video, Bianca explains how she successfully resolved her grass pollen allergy during the course with knowledge of 5BL! Congratulations and thank you very much for this beautiful report 🙂 | grass pollen allergy, hay fever | |||||
2022/06/22 Student was sent a picture of father she had never met or seen. | Stye, Attack of the Eye Conflict | |||||
2022/06/15 Student witnessed public outburst within a group of friends she was with. It was unexpected and completely shocked the student. | Conjunctivitis, Visual Morsal Conflict | |||||
2022/06/05 This is an experience report from our family from the summer of 2022. In the boy's school, every child in the first grade was supposed to prepare and give a presentation. For him, this was a huge challenge in the new class and he worried about it slightly for weeks or even months and kept putting it off. | Prediction, territorial-fear conflict, cough | |||||
2022/05/25 These are the testimonials (in short) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video. | Track, resolving allergies | |||||
2022/05/22 On a day in May 2022 early in the evening, a client noticed that her mouth seemed particularly dry in the front area by the tongue, below the tongue area and to the side of it. This dryness lasted for a few hours and did not go away during this time even by drinking fluids. Only dryness was noticeable, no redness or other symptoms in the mouth area. | ||||||
2021/10/16 Ich war am Wochenende eingeladen. Wir saßen im Garten. Da kam von einer Bekannten die Katze über die Wiese gelaufen. So eine schöne mit langem Fell ... | ||||||
2021/09/07 These are the testimonials (in brief) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english subtitles). | Track, resolving allergies | |||||
2021/08/20 These are the testimonials (in brief) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english subtitles). | Track, resolving allergies | |||||
2021/08/19 Case report of a boy with eating disorder: During the analysis, the therapist was able to determine the cause as dysphagia and spasm of the smooth muscles during the ingestion of solid parts of food. The first occurrence was after a meal where parts of food were stuck in the throat. With specific food changes for shorter periods of time, the boy was able to overcome the fear of another occurrence, so that he was able to eat normally again.- A case report from the internat. Congress of the A.L.B.A 2011. | ||||||
2021/08/05 A woman with medicated epilepsy attacks since the age of 12, in the absence of medication, she had an attack after 30 minutes. | Epilepsy | |||||
2021/08/01 Case of an Italian Franciscan monk who rebuilt an old, dilapidated monastery in the vast surroundings of Assisi and experienced bronchitis with allergic alveolitis, after this project, which was a lifelong dream of him, was first threatened by his order who agreed later. | ||||||
2021/07/25 Eine Mutter kommt zur Behandlung und erzählt mir, dass sie sich große Sorgen um ihren 4-jährigen Sohn macht, denn dieser ist hochgradig allergisch auf Nüsse. Zweimal schon musste er wegen Luftnot bzw. Schwellung der Atemwege in die Intensivstation ... | Allergie | |||||
2021/07/23 After reading two detailed books, a double volume, I tried to analyze a symptom that had been recurring and disappearing regularly for decades. Parallel to this symptom, which was described separately, a respiratory impairment from the diaphragm program occurred again and again. The epileptoid crisis in the regeneration phase of this program was well endured - with the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature: With this understanding, the necessary calmness and composure could be maintained. | diaphragmatic spasm | |||||
2021/07/20 At the age of 7, the boy's mother died, activating one or more right-brain territorial area conflicts. Harmonious sounding music was now played to the relatives for consolation, which was now linked as a track with this bad situation and the activated special programs. From then on, this kind of music triggered immediate depression through right-brain activation. By understanding the causal connections, this track could be decoupled and resolved in adulthood. | Music allergy, track, territorial areas, scale, depression | |||||
2021/06/30 These are the testimonials (in brief) of the first seven successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english and spanish subtitles): | Track, resolving allergies | |||||
2021/06/30 The case showed well how programs got going as follow-up activations: Jonny had a cough with blood sputum. He was to be examined for "lung carcinoma" by means of biopsy. In the biopsy, the needle is inserted through the back. Without anesthesia, because he was told that this "goes so fast, you don't need anesthesia". | Lung carcinoma, mesothelioma, pulmonary nodule, Consequential conflicts, | |||||
2021/06/23 During sporting activities such as cycling and mountain hiking as well as climbing stairs over several floors; i.e. when lifting the legs was necessary: After a short time or a few minutes, shortness of breath with rapid, briefly held breaths and a "pulling" of the muscles in the left thigh. | ||||||
2021/06/17 For 20 years, there have been several situations in his life when he has reacted with epilepsy-like symptoms: First, when he has been frightened. Second, when he has felt strong emotions such as fear, sadness, fatigue or even euphoria. And, interestingly, also and especially strongly when the hamstring reflex test was performed during examinations. Once the causative event was found 20 years ago, the symptoms could be successfully resolved afterwards. | ||||||
2021/06/17 A woman woke up one morning with paralysis of the left side of her face: This facial nerve paresis ended exactly predicted three weeks after conflict resolution and onset of paralysis. A case description at the Internat. Congress of the A.L.B.A. 2011 | ||||||
2021/06/17 A case of dermatitis in a little boy, where the rash appeared exactly where the child was last touched, when passed on, presented by therapist Marco Brazzo at the Internat. Congress of the A.L.B.A. 2011 | ||||||
2021/06/17 One child suffered from celiac disease since early childhood), a food intolerance to gluten, a component in some grains and thus a component of flour products; case description at the Internat. Congress of the A.L.B.A, 2010 | ||||||
2021/06/17 What causes hair loss in horses, explained by two case studies at the Internat. Congress of the A.L.B.A 2011 | ||||||
2021/06/17 An 11-year-old boy shared a room with his big brother and reacted in this context with a territorial marking conflict with bed-wetting as a consequence. By understanding the cause, a real solution was quickly and easily found here by finally giving the boy his own room. From now on, the bed-wetting disappeared. | ||||||
2021/06/17 On the afternoon of the second Friday in January 2004, a sudden severe toothache began in a molar on the lower right side; the pain was permanent. | ||||||
2021/06/17 After a stay with acquaintances on a weekend, I discovered on Monday morning a small "herpes simplex labialis (lip herpes) " on the lower lip on the left. This lent itself to a case analysis according to the five biological laws of nature. This model had been known to me for several years at that time. | ||||||
2021/06/16 Hearing loss in the left ear from an early age. After decades solution with strong middle ear infection: At the end, the hearing ability came back to a reduced extent. | ||||||
2021/05/07 Massive symptoms in the context of the corona crisis with cause in the compulsory masking measures and orthodox medical "Covid-19" diagnosis. | ||||||
2021/05/06 The symptoms appeared in the context of the Corona crisis, with cause in the division of society. With precisely predicted duration of symptoms and epi-crisis. | ||||||
2021/04/14 - Severe corneal inflammation of the left eye - 10 days conflict active phase with noticeable tissue changes e.g. during blinking - Sudden inflammation overnight - Sick leave by treating ophthalmologist for 10 days - Omission of local antibiotics except for one dose after 7 days - Physician literally detects "excessive growth" and removes corneal fragments | ||||||
2021/03/12 A woman came to me with 30 years chronic back pain. She'd given up on medical doctors and didn't want to take pain medications any longer. Chiropractors would help her for a few days and the pain would return. After identifying the causual central self-devaluation conflict and the self-sustaining vicious cycle, we worked on the basic principle and feelings and resolved them - leading to a complete healing of her symptoms. | ||||||
2021/03/12 A woman 40 year old came to me with a medically diagnosed case of breast cancer. She had 2 adenocarcinomas and one intraductal tumor. These tumors ranged in size from 3 to 5 cm. The medical doctors wanted to perform a mastectomy's and then subject her to chemotherapy. After the understanding of the cause and our therapy, she was declared cancer free by her oncologist 4 months later. No chemo, no drugs or scalpel. The oncologist didn't know what to say. | ||||||
2021/03/12 In these report are different symptoms combined, as they nearly all were the deleterious results of 20 years of being married to a covert narcissist. After a second, very happy marriage, I developed symptoms of "breast cancer" after the sudden death of my wife. | ||||||
2020/12/13 Vor einiger Zeit bekam ich von meinem Chef den Hinweis, er habe eine Beschwerde über mich erhalten, er leite sie mir per Mail weiter, dass ich sie mir durchlesen könnte ... | ||||||
2020/10/18 Eine Freundin und ich beobachteten, dass bei ihrem 9 Monate alten Baby, welches noch gestillt wurde, ein rötlicher Hautausschlag an zwei Stellen auftrat: Links oben am Rücken und auf der rechten Seite des Popos ... | ||||||
2020/09/20 Ich fahre morgens immer mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit. Seit Jahren beginnt mein linkes Auge immer an derselben Stelle für ca. 10 min zu tränen, dann ist es plötzlich wieder vorbei ... | ||||||
2020/06/14 Vor zwei Wochen traf ich meine Cousine und sie berichtete, dass einer ihrer Zwillingssöhne seit ein paar Tagen stark hustet und schlecht Luft bekommt. Sie war beim Arzt, der dem fünfjährigen eine Lungenentzündung mit Kehlkopf-Beteiligung diagnostizierte ... | ||||||
2020/05/24 Bei Tenia hat man ärztlich “Grünen Star” in beiden Augen diagnostiziert. Sie sieht auch immer schlechter und macht sich Sorgen, dass sie sich, wenn es sich verschlimmert, nicht mehr ausreichend um ihre zum Teil noch kleinen Kinder kümmern kann. ... | ||||||
2020/04/26 Die Mutter kommt mit ihrem 11-jährigen Mädchen zu mir in die Praxis – sie wirkt weinerlich und ausgelaugt. Sie erzählt mir dass ihre Tochter von Geburt an nie ruhig liegen, sitzen oder stehen kann. Seit sie zur Schule geht, entwickelt sie zusätzlich Tics: Zuckungen am ganzen Körper und verschiedene Bewegungen die sie nicht steuern kann ... | Zuckungen, Hyperaktivität | |||||
2020/04/05 Ca. 15 Jahre lang hatte ich chronische Schmerzen im Lendenwirbelsäulenbereich mit vielen, ich nenne sie "Kapitalausfällen", bei denen ich mich nicht bücken konnte, nicht ins Auto einsteigen konnte, meinen Mann zum Anziehen brauchte; sich meine Wirbelsäule auf die Minute verzog, wie beim "Glöckner von Notredam" ... | ||||||
2020/03/22 In der 3./4. Schwangerschaftswoche fährt das Ehepaar nach Ägypten auf Urlaub in eine Hotelanlage, wo du Mutter gleich zwei Todesangst-Konflikte erlebt - und mit ihr zusammen das Baby. Das Baby soll von zwei Ärzteteams gleich nach der Geburt operiert werden. Eventuell müsse man einen ganzen Lungenflügel entfernen, da einer völlig mit Zysten befallen ist. Den Eltern gelingt die Auflösung und das Zurückbilden der Symptome rechtzeitig vor der Geburt. | Todesangst-Konflikt | |||||
2020/03/08 Die Mutter kommt mit Jakob zu mir in die Praxis. Sie erzählt, dass ihr Sohn keine Sekunde alleine sein kann – er folgt ihr auf Schritt und Tritt. Nicht einmal ein Zimmer kann sie verlassen, ohne dass Jakob aufspringt und ihr nachgeht. | Panik, Panikattacken | |||||
2020/02/23 Eine Frau bekam da, wo hinten am Halsausschnitt Kleidungsetiketten auflagen und kratzten, ein kleines (1 cm) Melanom. Sie kannte die 5BN und vermutete den entsprechenden Zusammenhang. ... | ||||||
2020/02/09 Bei der ersten U-Untersuchung kam das Thema Impfen ins Gespräch, und dass sie dies im ersten Lebensjahr nicht machen wollte. Als dann der zweite Termin nahte, war sie mit einem aktiven Witterungskonflikt in Sorge, ob dieses belastende Thema wieder zur Sprache kommen würde. | Witterungskonflikt | |||||
2020/01/26 Ich hatte eine Freundin, die sich von mir trennte (damals kannte ich die Germanische Heilkunde nicht). Mein Haar wurde an der rechten Seite und am Hinterkopf lichter. Also ein Trennungskonflikt mit Schuldzuweisung, der noch aktiv war. ... | ||||||
2020/01/20 10 years ago, the now 35-year-old had a boss who bullied his employees wherever he could. There she reacted with the SBS of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube on the left, so she had to "listen to get rid of the danger/the predator/...", which happened daily at work at that time. Years later, when this one suddenly surprised her by phone and wanted to hire her again, she made it clear that she will NEVER work for him again and she never wants to hear him again, which led to the resolution of this old massive conflict. The now following 3 weeks duration of the severe symptoms could be accurately predicted. | ||||||
2020/01/05 Reduzierung der ektodermalen Haut an der Handinnenfläche aufgrund von ungewollten Berührungen / Tätigkeiten mit dieser Hand. Auflösung der Symptome durch Beendigung der Tätigkeit. | ||||||
2019/11/25 Die Betroffene hat in der Hundeschule auf Rat des Trainers ihren Hund aggressiv am Hals gepackt, worüber sie selber direkt schockiert war und was den Konfliktinhalt "ich war nicht gut genug an der Stelle / ich habe etwas falsch gemacht" zur Folge hatte. Einige Tage später begann die konfliktgelöste Phase mit starken Schmerzen an dem Handgelenk. | Sehnenscheidenentzündung | |||||
2019/11/03 Frau mit generalisiertem Selbstwerteinbruch in Bezug auf die Erziehung ihres jugendlichen Sohnes. Durch liebevolle Unterstützung eines neuen Partners geht das SBS in Lösung. | Leukämie | |||||
2019/10/20 Eine 50-jährige Frau litt seit ihrer Pubertät an den Folgen eines sog. M. Scheuermann. Mäßige Verkrümmung der BWS, kaum vorhandene Pufferung durch Bandscheiben im betroffenen Bereich. Über die Jahre permanente diffuse Schmerzen, nach längerer leichter Belastung oder kurzzeitiger stärkerer Belastung (Heben, Tragen) mittelstarke bis starke Schmerzen. Tätigkeiten, die die BWS belasten, konnten nur kurzzeitig unter Schmerzen ausgeführt werden. Nach dem Erkennen der ursächlichen Situation und der inneren Auflösung sind die Schmerzen dauerhaft verschwunden. | ||||||
2019/10/13 Eine Frau hat seit über 30 Jahren juckende und schuppende Kopfhaut. Nachdem sie die ursächliche Situation erkannt hat, verschwinden die Symptome durch Bewusstmachung innerhalb von zwei Tagen. | ||||||
2019/09/02 Einige Monate nach der Beerdigung ihres Mannes wurde in der rechten Brust "Brustkrebs" diagnostiziert und entsprechend schulmedizinisch behandelt. Das betroffene Gewebe (ohne histologischen Befund) müssten die ektodermalen Milchgänge gewesen sein, also der Konfliktinhalt: "Mir wurde mein Partner von der Brust gerissen." | ||||||
2019/08/26 Auf der Arbeit wurde der Betroffene aus heiterem Himmel mit einer für ihn völlig unzutreffenden Anschuldigung des Teamleiters konfrontiert. Nach einer Woche Zwangsdenken kam die Konfliktlösung nach einem klärenden Gespräch mit dem Abteilungsleiter. | Witterungskonflikt, Stinkekonflikt | |||||
2019/08/11 Der Vater möchte seinem Sohn, der in seinem Unternehmen Abteilungsleiter ist, monatelang in den Hintern treten, da dieser seine Aufgaben nicht pflichtbewusst wahrnimmt. In dieser Zeit bildet sich die Dornwarze unter dem linken Ballen/Zeh. | ||||||
2019/07/28 Visueller Trennungskonflikt nach dem Tod der geliebten Familienkatze, sowie entsprechende Bindehautentzündung nach Überwindung mithilfe eines spirituellen Gesprächspartner. | ||||||
2019/07/08 Schikanierung und Bedrohung durch Ausbilder bei Volksarmee, seitdem Rezidive bei verschiedenen Situationen. | ||||||
2019/06/19 Starkes Jucken zwischen kleinen Zehen nach Tritt auf Nacktschnecke. | ||||||
2019/06/10 Entstehung von Warzen, weil der Junge in einen Kindergarten gehen musste, obwohl die Eltern dies nicht wollten. Bewusste Konfliktlösung und Abfallen der Warzen, als es mit dem Kind besprochen wurde. | ||||||
2019/05/26 Als dramatisch empfundene Kaiserschnittgeburt, in dessen Zusammenhang die Mutter einen Schreckangst- oder Sprachlosigkeitskonflikt erlitten hat. Nach Lösung dieser Situation beginnt die Tochter nach wenigen Tagen zu sprechen. | ||||||
2018/11/18 Funny, because directly related to my work on “Disease is Different”: In March 2018, I noticed that my coccyx, the lowest bony end of the spine, hurt when pressed while sitting in a chair. As the days passed, the pain got worse and lasted for 8 weeks. | ||||||
2018/11/18 Ms. M sang a lullaby to her 4-year-old son in November 2018 – her voice was fully functional. The next song she sang normally for the first couple of minutes, and then her voice suddenly disappeared. | ||||||
2018/11/17 The young woman had a menstrual cycle-linked string on the heart for several months. The last occurrence could be accurately predicted as such in terms of time, because the rhythm had been precisely analyzed and the underlying loss of territory topic had been concluded - and no further recurrences were to be expected. | ||||||
2018/11/17 Mr. R was middle-aged and woke up on Wednesday, 10/17/2018, with a slight hearing loss in his left ear: he could clearly notice that all lower frequencies were no longer perceptible. There was also a deep, clearly noticeable tinnitus sound. The symptoms lasted two and a half days. | ||||||
2018/03/21 Years of chronic pain in both arms. The cause of the initial SBS was a bad breakup. Through a later new partnership the SBS went into solution. From then on a vicious circle of pain and local follow-up conflicts began. Only by realizing one's own responsibility could a successful strategy be implemented to break out of the vicious circle. | ||||||
2018/03/21 A couple has come together firmly via the touch on a fingertip. When the man had to go away shortly afterwards, he associated this as a strong separation conflict at this point. Shortly after they saw each other again after a few days, he suddenly got massive pain on exactly this finger - as if someone had hit it with a hammer. | ||||||
2018/01/30 The affected woman had a coffee allergy for about 15 years. Almost immediately after drinking coffee or eating food containing coffee, very severe stomach pain with nausea occurred, which lasted up to several hours. By researching the causes, the allergy was subsequently successfully resolved completely and permanently. | ||||||
2018/01/30 Since childhood, the affected woman has repeatedly suffered from severe unpleasant painful and itchy reddenings of the skin, and in this context, received various diagnoses such as eczema, neurodermatitis, allergy to wool / dyes / chlorine / sun, … Immediately after she was proposed to, a particularly strong final conflict resolved phase with strong symptoms followed. | ||||||
2018/01/30 A young woman could not drink apple juice or eat apples for many years because she reacted with diarrhea as a direct result. By knowing the cause, the allergy could be resolved with a simple experiment. | ||||||
2017/12/21 Territory marking conflict on vacation when the cleaning lady entered the couple's room and bedroom in the morning without notice. Since then, daily reactivation of SBS with numbness of the bladder mucosa in the room - and resolution with hypersensitivity as soon as they left the room. | ||||||
2017/12/18 Prediction of a single epileptic seizure in a two-year-old boy, based on observation of the behavior of the conflict active phase of the associated special program. | ||||||
2017/12/18 | ||||||
2016/08/20 A long-term series of witch hazes and back pain as a result of years of pain in the arms and associated perceived "failure" in key areas of life. Ending a vicious cycle of localized subsequent conflict and back pain correctly predicted years in advance. | ||||||
2015/05/24 | ||||||
2015/05/23 Defilement issue on thumb due to fecal contact while changing toddler. | ||||||
2015/01/29 The client reacted with the bronchial mucosa as a result of a "fright" accident experience and experienced severe "bronchitis" after conflict resolution. By knowing the exact cause, the duration of the symptoms could be accurately determined and predicted. | ||||||
2015/01/23 Severe bladder infection after acoustic borderline assault in dormitory. Two-phase very well comprehensible. | ||||||
2015/01/01 Hier eine Liste von weiteren Quellen, wo Erfahrungsberichte mit den 5BN zu finden sind, z.B. zu: Schleimbeutelentzündung, Bindehautentzündung, Rheuma, Diabetes, Heuschnupfen, Schuppenflechte, Bettnässen, Stottern, Ozeane, Aggressiver Konstellation, Gebärmutterkörperschleimhaut-CA, Gebärmutterhalskrebs, Gürtelrose, Tinnitus, Zahnschmerzen, Herzinfarkt, hoher Blutdruck, Koliken, Bandscheibenvorfall, Knieschmerzen, Leukämie, Knochenkrebs, Stimme weg, Magenschmerzen, Nesselsucht, Epilepsie, Intoleranzen, Morbus Crohn, Hautausschlag, Gesichtslähmung, Schluckauf, Magersucht, Bronchitis, Hornhautentzündung, Migräne, Schilddrüsenzyste, Aphten, Osteolyse, Gastritis, Rektumspasmen, Milchgangskarzinom, Allergien, Leberkoma, Graues Haar, Nagelpilz, Sodbrennen, Nasenpolypen, Karies, Herzinfarkt, Morbus Bechterew, Melanom, Schuppenflechte, Wasserbauch, Hagelkorn, ... |